Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We had intended to leave Edmonton and drive to Jasper, then the Icefields Parkway to Banff. However, thanks to Kim and Charney we changed our minds and drove to Drumheller in the Canadian Badlands. The drive there is beautiful; rolling hills, acres of wheat, lucerne and canola crops and then suddenly you come across a wasteland and a palaeontologist’s dream. Dinosaur skeletons by the hundreds, in fact whole graveyards of the things.

We were also lucky enough to arrive for the last matinee performance of the Badlands Passion Play, one of Alberta’s top cultural events which runs for 6 days only in July. The play cost $30 each and ran for 3 hours in a huge outdoor amphitheatre with natural features similar to Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

Most of the actors are volunteers but they have professionals in charge of production. You did not need to be a Christian to appreciate the great story and the professionalism of the production. A memorable part of our trip.

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