Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We left Banff on July 17th to head to Vancouver. We took the Trans Canada Highway through Glacier National Park and Mount Revelstoke National Park. You actually drive through three mountain ranges; the Rockeys, Selkirk Mountains and the Columbia Mountains. However, it appears to be one continuos range. Again the drive was amazing and equally as good as the Rockey Mountains themselves.

Glacier National Park is very diverse and interesting. As you drive the Trans Canada you pass through several tunnels built to protect traffic from avalanches. In fact the National Park (or whoever) use howitzers to trigger avalanches throughout the winter.

The countryside continued to change and just as you arrive at Kamloops and then beyond you follow a river valley which has irrigated river flats backed by barren hills, a most unusual sight.

We eventually camped at a campground in a small town called Lillooet. Again the scenery along the way was great – you follow one river valley after another to eventually come to a canyon with a huge river flowing through it.

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