Sunday, May 11, 2008


Even though there are still 7 weeks to go until we finish, all the signs point to an end to the year. Field trips must finish by the end of the first week in June and preparations are being made for the Final or Culminating projects. These projects are mandatory and are worth 10% in most subjects although in 2 of my subjects, grade 9 Drama and Grade 12 Writer's Craft they are worth 20%. They have to be completed before exams begin.

We have a week of exams and the timeline is pretty tight. My last exam is on a Tuesday and my marking and reports must be done before the Thursday which is actually our last day of school. We also have a Graduation Mass, not too sure of the details yet, and a special Graduation ceremony at night where awards, scholarships and certificates are presented. This is where the parents attend and the staff must be dressed in Academic gowns like the graduates. Their Prom is held 2 weeks earlier and is for students, no parents. I was a bit surprised to discover that there are not enough tickets for every graduate. I thought this was rather sad.

Last night we had tapas for Mike and Laurie Rishworth, Ed Weiss and Rob Henry. We have quite a busy social life as we also went up to Shannon Cox's place at Kitchener to have dinner on Friday night. Everyone at St Mike's are so supportive and friendly. Today is Mother's day, we both slept in and rode down town and took some photographs of the beautiful old buildings of Woodstock. We finished off by having a buffet meal at The Charles Dickens. The weather has turned very bleak and at the moment it is trying hard to rain. Will try to put some photos on before I finish.

1 comment:

Andre said...

Seven weeks...? Shouldn't that be 7 months? Otherwise that'd be right around the corner and you guys would be leaving in July!