Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is a photo of the indoor skating rink at West Edmonton mall. The place is huge and we had a great time shopping.

We drove up to Edmonton on Tuesday July 8th where we had planned to stay with Kim and her friends Charney and Graham Erikson. We ended up staying in their trailer for four nights, something we have never done before on a camping holiday. We of course visited West Edmonton shopping mall, one of the largest in the world. Our first night we had dinner with Graham, Charney and Kim and on our second night we visited Body Worlds exhibition and then had dinner with Deanna, Kim’s boss when she was on exchange here in 2003.

Above is a picture of Wayne, Kim, Charney and Graham enjoying a meal of giant crab's legs. They are caught in the Bering Sea and they are delicious.

This exhibition shows what the process of plastination is capable of. Whole skeletons and bodies complete have been preserved to show the mechanics of the human body ($40 each). Wayne and I also spent some time riding the bicycles along the river valley in the city. Generally explored the city by driving around. Thank you Kim for a wonderful time!

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